
Mandatory National Service & Tamil Tiger Training - Ctrl.Alt.Shift

Joining the army is one of the last things I'd ever consider - simply because I don't believe it's common sense that if you want peace you've got to be a pawn in a war, plus I have found that, not all, but too many young recruits are easily brainwashed with any real acknowledgement of why they're fighting for their country (watch Jarhead, it's a great movie). This is just some of the founding reasons I fail to comply to the past proposed notion of compulsory national service. It can function in some nations to discipline the next generation, and though used at a somewhat different temperament in the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) - the use of teenage soldiers is seen by some as a way in which to induce respect (something we are apparently seeing a lack of from our young-guns in the UK). But though it's not on my agenda to join the ranks at the farce of another Afghan/Iraq conflict - this is a subject myself and (partner in crime) Ben Anderson thought to take to our public, in particular our youth; who's was down for national service? And what was their perception of the Tamil Tiger technique...? Here's the Ctrl.Alt.Shift report:

Vox Pops: National Service Anyone?
Warfare in north Sri Lanka continues between the Tamil Tiger rebel forces and the military, forcing aid workers and organisations out of the area. Despite protests and false promises, the Tigers are reported to still have under-age troops fighting in the fray. We disputed the pros and cons of teenage recruitment with some of our own young-guns.

With the country’s anxiety over youth crime, initially we asked people what benefits would arise from re-introducing national service in the UK. We then wanted to know what age group was considered reasonable for child soldiers. Finally, in light of the extreme Tiger regime, we questioned what impact would it have on our home soil if we transformed our children into fighting machines, trained to kill or commit suicide in the face of defeat or capture.

Craig, 18, London:
"This country would definitely benefit from national service. I personally wouldn’t do it as I’m not into that discipline stuff, but I reckon it would benefit those out of school and out of work. 18-20 seems a good age, but that Tamil Tiger system seems mad. It could cause more problems bringing kids up like that.”

Agnus, 18, South London:
“No way! I think it would have a negative affect. War and fighting wouldn’t help. We need to concentrate on homes and families first. If it was in place, just after A-levels, 18-19 would be the right age. But still, it should be nothing like the Tamil Tigers. That would be horrible. It would totally change our country, taking away the innocence of our children. It’s way too much.”

Read the full list of comments here

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