
Youth-Led Media Summit (Dec 09') Coverage!

The YLM Summit last December was a bit of a big deal in my carreer to date, being asked to represent Ctrl.Alt.Shift and be a voice for the millions of young people in the UK hustling to break into the machine that is the media...

With over 150 of my most talented and outspoken peers in the audience, speaking on a panel next to my media mentors and inspirations, my firm point was to affirm there needs to be more of a representation, and therefore a better, more balanced representation of the next generation - who will eventually be writing the tomorrow's headlines. Read here for the full review of the summit. Below is the video documentary (which a few cameo appearances by yours truly):

As part of the Youth-Led Media Network, I am now working with the young steering group (now known as the directors) to build this independant social entreprise - which will act as a hub for all youth-led media, offering channels to mentoring, funding, news, job opportunities and more. It's a long-term project, but we're all set to light a spark in the system. Follow www.youthledmedia.org.uk to get involved in the the project and see how it develops...

1 comment:

  1. "I believe that getting a foot in the door is a good thing, but it shouldnt be a foot in the door - the door should be open"

    Wow who ever said that has a dream!
    Oi all I can say to that is YES WE CAN!
