Postcards From The Edge: DR Congo
Sunday October 26, 2008
Waitering for nothing.
On my second day in the Congo, I came across a blossoming individual in Yanny. The 23 year old waiter epitomised big dreams from small places. He resides in an impoverished sector of the nation’s capitol of Kinshasa, but with resounding faith, he plans to get his own set of wings as a pilot.
What a prime example he sets for any drop-out lay-about half-asks of our nation:
What are your dreams?
Well I would like to have my own small company one day, and to be my own boss. That would extend the funds for my studies to be a pilot, which I am training to be right now.
Where do you plan to fly off to?
I’d love to live and work in South Africa, Canada or the UK.
What about Congo?
It is not easy here. Congo is my family, but it is getting worse. The government is very slow and there is a lack of work to improve the country and help my people. At the moment, most families are living on two dollars a day, with seven or eight people living in one or two rooms. It is not enough, and it hasn’t changed in a while. However, if I am successful, I would like to return to Congo in the future and teach others to fly. It would be good for the economy.
What gives you the drive to work harder?
Religion is very important to me. God is my first father, and I believe opportunities will come if I pray and study well.
What do you do for fun?
I love basketball; I play three times a week. But it’s too expensive to be part of a team. It costs 20 dollars a month!
What about drugs, booze, girls and rock’n’roll?
Drugs? Never. It’s too much of a waste of time to get drunk. Besides, all of that costs money, and I don’t have any to spare. I need to save for my studies – I mean I don’t even have enough money to do something special for my birthday. As for girls, I do have my needs. Come on, I’m a guy!
The article can be sourced from here
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