
Will Obama Bring 'Change'? - Ctrl.Alt.Shift

I know this is a big moment when I'm getting texts of the news from my family from here to Canada, Mauritius to France (yes, my fam is vast and scattered somewhat, as is the support for the new president). I've never seen so much excitement about something political from so many, well, usually unpolitical people. It's no bad thing at all, but I had to wonder, with little knowledge of how US President Barack Obama will actually decide to use his position of great power, is it all a bit too much balloons and confetti too soon...? My colleague Ben Anderson and I took this issue to the general public for Ctrl.Alt.Shift:

Vox Pops: Obama-rama
Over two million people were there (and millions more around the world tuned in) to witness the inauguration, the start of a new age, ready to rejoice as the 44th US president officially parked his backside in the White House. So long Bush. Obama - the world is your oyster.

But what will change? Most are optimistic, but dare I say is it too early to assume a better, exciting, promising new era is upon Obama and the world's horizon?

False promises, lies, scandals are all part and package of the politics game. From Bush Sr. to Bush Jr. it has always been questioned whether the big boss in the White House works for the people, or for the corporate divisions, or even worse - himself. So bearing in mind today's global atrocities (including two wars, a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the credit crisis and climate change), Obama will have to address one way or another, we asked the general public:

How do feel about 'Obama, President of the United States of America'?
Will he run the system, or will the system eventually run him?
What could Obama's reign mean for the relationship between the US and the UK?
And, how will Obama handle and/or influence the situation in Gaza/Iraq?

Sami, 21
"I feel good about Obama being elected as President - he will at least be better than Bush. While I'm not sure how much power he will realistically have, he should be able to run the system better than previous presidents. The relationship between UK and US has always been good and I don't expect that to change, hopefully he will make more of a positive change on other foreign relationships like Gaza, Iraq and Iran. In terms of Gaza, we need a ceasefire, however America is in support of Israel so it is difficult to see too much of a change. In Iraq however, things seem to be moving along well and it is a good opportunity for Obama and the US to change their stance."

Read the full list of comments here

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